Not Only The Neighbor

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Like we have said in the beginning, there were quite a few living near Jaequan’s home that likes to shoot down other people having a good time. Sadly, Jaequan’s neighbor was not the only person who was not hesitant to make a call to the cops on people who are busy minding their own business, living their life. This other lady had a comment about the kid with the hot dog stall which will leave you shocked…

Meet Barbeque Betty

So when we tell you that there are people who just feel the need to try and end someone else having fun or a good time, we are not kidding. This woman in the above picture is named “Barbeque” Betty. There is a good reason why she had been called so. It is mainly because she made a call to complain about a family trying to have fun in the local park she happened to be in…

Not Acceptable To Her

Image result for park nice stroll

There was no fuss or commotion in the park that the family was gathering in. They were just planning to have a cookout in the park but this was not okay with Betty. She soon decided to make a phone call to the police because she simply did not like the fact that they were having a barbeque. It was something unacceptable according to Barbeque Betty. And this is what took place next…

A Park Cookout

The family did absolutely nothing wrong, minding their own business, trying to enjoy some quality time at the park together. They wanted to relax in the park, having a barbeque in the nice outdoors. And for some strange reason, Betty had a notion in her head that organizing a barbeque in a special “barbeque zone” was an illegal act which triggered her to call the cops.

Not Just A Call

Image result for police phone callShe was just spending time in the park too and suddenly spotted the family that was having a nice time preparing their barbeque food. Barbeque Betty thought the family was committing some crime cooking outdoors so she made a call to the cops. You would have to guess that she was just a very mean-spirited person or that she was just plain hungry. There was another odd thing she managed to do…

A Confrontation With Betty

When people realized that Barbeque Betty had made a phone call regarding the family cookout in the park, there were a few who reacted. She was making a complaint about something that was entirely legal. The family was minding their own business and was not at all violating any laws. Someone in the park decided to confront Betty for the thing that she did and it was quite interesting.