Other Common Symptoms
Other common symptoms that cause hypoglycemia would be when a person starts feeling jittery, shaky, or sweaty, loss of coordination, anxiety, exhaustion, stress, a lightheaded sensation, difficulty in concentrating, a quick heartbeat rate, paleness, hunger, feeling of nausea or a stomach ache, muscle aches and some people even experience blurred vision.
Consequence Of Being Untreated
If hypoglycemia has remained untreated for too long, the symptoms can get worse and quite dangerous too. This can be found happening to people who use insulin in order to control their diabetes and go through frequent episodes of low blood sugar. This, in turn, makes them very unaware of the initial warning symptoms that may show up.
Severe Low Blood Sugar Symptoms
The symptoms of severe low blood sugar are so many. Here are some of them that are most common: fainting and loss of consciousness, some go through seizures too. So if someone is experiencing severe low sugar levels, they should keep in mind that it is a medical emergency. They should consult a doctor immediately. It is not something to take lightly as severe cases can be life-threatening.
Here are some more facts about Hypoglycemia that you may find useful/informative. Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is basically a very common experience that people with diabetes go through. It usually occurs when the blood sugar levels decrease to a line below the normal levels. Most common symptoms include clumsiness, trouble talking, confusion, loss of consciousness, seizures or even death.
The Treatment
Treatment for hypoglycemia can differ and usually depends on its cause. It changes from person to person. When hunger is the reason, one can counter it by having a glucose-rich meal, packed with fruit and pancakes, that are known to raise blood glucose levels. Eating rapid-acting carbohydrates like 8 ounces of fruit juice, regular coke, glucose tablets, or candy is another good way to avoid low levels of blood sugar.
Consult An Expert
People having diabetes are most likely to experience low blood sugar levels in the early hours of the day. They might need to change up their medication dosage or make amendments regarding their food intake. But then again, it is always the best decision to discuss the symptoms with a doctor before personally changing the diet or medication you are currently taking.