Amazing Incident
And so after he managed to identify exactly who had been keeping all the newspapers and phone books in is property, Eubanks made the incredible discovery as to who the culprits were. It was such bizarre news that he ended up appearing on television. “Without the pictures no one would believe it. I assure you,” Eubanks revealed to the interviewers.
His Explanation
And on his interview, he gave an in-depth explanation of just how these foxes gave him the shock of his life. He even admitted and revealed just how shocked he was and that he “really had trouble believing it at first.” However, as soon as the footage finished, there was no doubt that the foxes were responsible for everything. He explained how the foxes got the newspapers in the first place.
Adorable Thieves
From what the clip showed, there was no denying that these foxes were not aware of the wrong they were doing. The seemed blissful and carefree as they ran around the property that Eubanks resides in. The man after seeing them revealed what they did with the newspapers, that after they “steal them and play with them. They drag the papers around and throw them up in the air.”
Hard To Explain
And if you really think about it, it is quite puzzling because newspapers are not really that fascinating, especially for a fox. What had given them the idea that these could be used as toys? It is a known fact that foxes enjoy stealing dog toys, blankets or shoes. However, them stealing phone books and newspapers is certainly hard to explain.
A New Discovery
Experts revealed later that foxes are inquisitive animals, they are always drawn to something that smells fresh and new. Anything new for them is a perfect toy. So these foxes were just excited to smell and play with the newspapers because they smelled new. And after playing with it, they decided to leave it for their friend James Eubanks to discover on his lawn.
Getting The Newspaper
A fox has the traits of both a dog and a cat. Hence, we do not have to explain how playful they would be. To learn about the fact that they fetch newspapers like dogs are not something shocking at all. And on this particularly blurry photo, the fox can be seen doing exactly this. Eubanks then made a joke, “since its newspapers, it must be Fox News.”