Twice the brains

When they first found this unique snake, it was about 10 inches long. But what’s even more fascinating is that it had two sets of working eyes and two separate flickering tongues. Schneider found this really interesting. He thought that because the snake’s tongues moved independently, it might have two different brains working in its unusual body.
Inner conflict

Having two brains had its advantages and drawbacks. Despite its small size and unusualness, the snake occasionally struggled to move smoothly because both heads wanted different things. Picture one head craving left for food while the other aimed right for something else. Observing how the two heads resolved conflicts and decided was truly intriguing.
Rival minds

Schneider noticed something funny. Sometimes, it looks like the two heads are having little arguments. They stop for a moment, like they’re thinking about which way to go. After a while, one head usually gives in, and the bossier one decides what to do. Watching this back-and-forth is really interesting, like watching a little snake debate.
Dominant side

Schneider elaborated, “Usually, the right head takes charge and decides, but sometimes, the other head has its own ideas,” he said, smiling. “It’s a bit like how siblings playfully tease each other, like a friendly argument.” While closely observing the snake, the experts began to fret about its fragility and overall health.

Even though the snake’s two heads sometimes argued and hesitated, after watching it closely for hours, Schneider thought that the snake, in general, seemed happy with its special life. Regular rattlesnakes usually live for 20 to 30 years, but scientists are still arguing about how long Double Dave might live.
Crucial X-rays

To make sure Double Dave is healthy, the Herpetological Associates team is going to give it a thorough X-ray. They want to check if all its insides are working like they should, with no problems. If everything looks good, then Double Dave might have a life as close to normal as a two-headed animal can hope for.