A Donated Uniform
The Ogniwo Polish Museum Society in Winnipeg received one of the most astonishing donations ever. It was something the museum collectors would have never expected. What was that donation which the museum could have not ever asked for? It was a uniform dating to 1920s, being worn by a soldier of the Polish Army. It was a historic piece of cloth. And the museum was extremely delighted to find something this incredible. The museum had a closer look at the uniform to link its original value to the history. They carefully examined every badge on the pockets, the company that manufactured it and the cloth used in the making of uniform to be sure of its authenticity. The uniform was donated with a pair of boots. While examing the uniform, the museum’s archivist, Marta Dabros found something interesting in the pockets.
Some Pictures
What Dabros found inside one of the pockets of the uniform was truly amazing. There were some pictures from the 1900s. Probably from the times of the war as they were all black and white in color. She could easily tell that these pictures were something priceless to its real owner. They were a treasure for him to cherish all his life. An even detailed look at the pictures left Dabros wondering… These pictures helped Dabros in confirming the originality of this uniform. These snaps were taken at the army. Dabros could even figure out the man in the photos who once wore this uniform over 70 years ago. There was something more that she could find out from these images. The soldier wearing this uniform once had a very rich life in the military.Dabros was now curious about the origin of this uniform.
Lucas Kulczycki
Dabros undertook every possible investigation possible. She searched online about the Polish Army, their military camps and any past records of the soldiers if any. Just a little curiosity and some search gave Dabros the awaited answers. Her investigation paid off. The man in the pictures was a medical officer in the Polish Army named Lucas Kulczycki. The military officer shifted to Manitoba and did not take his uniform along.
Overwhelmed Daughter
Dabros finally made her visit to the Schilders’ residence. His daughter was extremely surprised to find out that her father’s uniform which was almost 70 years old itself came knocking at the door. It was the least expected surprise they could ever receive. Schilder was further amazed to see that the uniform was perfectly kept and boxed all these years.
It’s All Yours
Dabros gifted the box of uniform to the former military officer. She further tells everyone that she did not bring it all the way to here to know more about it, but rather she is returning this uniform to its actual and true owner. This uniform holds a lot of memories of Lucas Kulczycki, his days at Polish Army and camps. It was almost impossible for the museum to accept a uniform when its owner was alive to cherish and preserve it for a lifetime.