Stunned Audience

All the middle-aged ladies sitting in the front seat were speechless to see Cathy’s brand new avatar. She looked like a different person and her daughter never looked at her this way before. Her reaction after seeing her mom was so emotional.

The Reveal

A woman in the red dress walked out on the stage and it was her, Cathy. Kayla was overwhelmed to see her mom so perfectly dressed that she couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. Was she not looking good?

OMG Look At That!

Who knew that this mother will lose 20 years of her life and look like she is still in her twenties. She was wearing a pretty cocktail dress of red color. Cathy looked like she’ll go straight to the wedding. This was a better version of hers and now you know that Kayla’s tears were actually happy tears.

A Totally Different Woman

Kayla could not remember the last time she saw her mother wearing a proper party dress like this one. She couldn’t be anymore thankful to the styling team of the “Rachael Ray” Show. She looked much younger and not even close to being anyone’s grandma. 

That Bright Smile

It seemed like her bright smile was fading away in the middle of those long wavy hair. Now it shined brightly again. Cathy who was uncertain about the idea of the makeover loved this unique side of hers.

Happy With The Results

The audience applauded the stylists who worked hard to bring this side of Cathy out. The stylists admitted that the red color dress was a bit dramatic but knowing how long Cathy has kept herself restlessly, it was all worth it.