Follow Up Post

Since Audrey’s post about Whitney and Riley’s relationship went so viral, she felt the need to post a follow-up post on her facebook. She said, “Unfortunately Riley’s Biological father isn’t with this awesome woman I bragged about and went viral over, But she will always be a part of Riley’s life. I don’t care who she ends up marrying, but Riley will always be a part of your life. I love this girl and whoever dares messes with her feelings is in big trouble because you have to go through me.”
All The Love
Audrey continued, “I will always have a weak spot in my heart for Whitney, She is my family. I repeat you mess with her you mess with me. I hope you ladies learn from Whit and me that you can make it work. You CAN make those complicated relationships with the other spouse happen.”
Nothing Changes

After her previous post, Audrey received a lot of questions about what will happen if Corey and Whitney split up. And this felt like the right time to address those questions. Audrey wrote, “So for those of you that asked ‘so what happens if they break up’ Your answer is ‘Nothing changes..’ We did it and we will continue even though my child’s father isn’t with her anymore. She is still and always a part of her life so it’s worth it.”
Ending Words
Audrey ended her post by saying, “Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do for my daughter (your daughter as well). Riley and I love you Whit forever and always. You are beautiful inside and out.” Audrey was showered by lovely messages and comments at her post. People admired her openness about everything and how she set an example of everyone out there in similar situations. She put her kid’s happiness above hers and built an amazing relationship on the way.
Co-Parenting The Myth

Co-Parenting after a divorce can be challenging, especially if you have to deal with a toxic ex. However, in cases like Audrey and Corey, we can see what happens when parents put their kid’s happiness above everything else. They, along with many other people, have set an example on how it is possible to be there for your kid without making them choose between them.
Family Fusion

When co-parenting is done right, it is an amazing influence for the kids. Even in those cases where parents cannot remain friends, some people try for the kids. Because at the end of the day that’s what matters. It is up to you as individuals to decide what values your kid is going to be brought up in. Pushing your past aside and working towards a healthy future should be a priority for all.