On The Phone
Connie recalled, “you could have heard pins drop.” Even though they were talking for the first time, they felt an instant connection with each other. They conversed with each other for hours. They had stayed apart for 70 years and now was the time to catch up on all that they had missed.
Got Tricked
She asked her as to why she left her immediately after her birth. Genevieve told her all about the tricks that she had become a victim of. And also explained, “because she was an unwed mother, she was told that I had died. She continued with her life not knowing I was still alive.”
Flying To Her
Soon after that phone call, Connie boarded a plane to Florida where her birth mother was living right now, from Richmond, Virginia her home. Genevieve who was 88 years old was waiting for her daughter to come.
Assisted Living Center
The woman was residing in an assisted living center. As she had grown quite old she used to take help of a walker to walk. Connie went straight to the living center from the airport to meet her mother.
Happy Ending
Connie did not take long to recognize her mom. She recognized her mother only seconds after entering the center. She reminisces, “It was like looking in a mirror.” Both stepped towards each other and embraced. According to them, it was “a total cryfest.”
Not Dead
The first thing that Genevieve uttered was “You’re really not dead.” To which Connie said, “I’m not dead.” Both of the women were crying. It was an emotional moment.