The Marines

The thugs who were trying to rob Ethel never expected anyone to listen to the horns. Luckily, they miscalculated the crowd. Inside the car, were the men in uniform who ran out. Trying to rob Ethel proved to be a bigtime mistake. And now there was only one option left for these guys, ie, to run.

Taking Action

Sgt. Ricardo Schebesta, Staff Sgt. Bryson Twigg, and Sgt. Ben Shoemaker heard the loud honking of Ethel’s cars, from their office, the Armed Forces Career Center which was behind the parking area. They ran behind the thugs on the main roads.


Ethel already warned the Marines that these thugs were armed but the warning didn’t stop the marines from chasing them. “No, that kid was never going to outrun me,” one of the officers said later. “Marines run towards the sound of chaos,” they quickly caught them.

Marine Corps Martial Arts

He instinctively grabbed the man’s wrist, and by using the Marine Corps Martial Arts wristlock technique, he took him down. “My first thought was, we’re on the grass I’m just going to [tackle] him,” he added. “I didn’t think about it until it was done.”


Sadly, one of the suspects ran away. Told the officer, “At the time, no, I didn’t think about it. Once I sat down, it was like ‘holy crap.’ It’s different because I have a kid. That’s all I kept thinking about. Going into combat I didn’t have one…That’s the first time I’ve actually felt the whole, ‘What if something happened?’”

Concealed Weapon

Even though the officers were aware that the thugs were armed, they didn’t stop chasing them. rather they understood that people like them can cause serious trouble to the civilians in the future. Thanks to their high-level military training they were able to catch them too.