Experience Helped
Ethel, a retired police officer was aware of the seriousness of this situation and she knew it is suggested to not fight back in these scenarios. However, she didn’t take her own advice that evening. Also, she was well aware of the fact that once she fights back, there will be no turning back.
Fighting Spirit
The only weak point of these people was that they underestimated the strength of this old woman. She gathered all her strength and hit the man on his nose and gripped her bag around her fist and hit the other one with it. In a blink of the eyes, she was able to shut the door. The thugs, however, were not going to give up so easily. They warned her to not move the car and banged on the window with their hands.
Do Or Die
It was now a do or die situation as Ethel just did the unexpected and these men were going to take the revenge from her. As two other men who were waiting for their partners outside also gathered around the car.
Reverse Gear
She put the car into reverse gear and tried to get out of the parking area. But that didn’t work either as one of her car’s tire was punctured. She drove the car anyway but the men surrounded her from all the directions. One man stood in front of the car and another one was trying to open the back door.
Attracting Attention
The moment one of the men looked at Ethel, he understood this old lady wasn’t going to give up easily. Ethel slammed her hand on the horn in the hopes of getting help. Although there was no person in the parking area other than these men, Ethel gave it a shot anyway as this was the only way left with her.
Men In Uniform
When the thugs thought this woman was not going anywhere with that bag of hers, they saw two huge figure entering the parking area. The face turned pale when they saw a car rushing into their direction.