Sometimes two people get together and they just know that they’re made for one another.
That was the case with Jo and Kevin Taylor when they saw each other for the first time in 1967. Their conversations flowed naturally, they created inside jokes quickly and the butterflies in their stomach never really went away – they were in love.
Fast forward to today and they share five children, 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. And yet through all the change five decades has brought, there’s one thing that has stayed exactly the same: Their style.
Yes, the two might be endearing lovebirds, but having had the same getup for the better part of fifty years, they knew they needed to mix things up. They applied for the ultimate Ambush Makeover on the Today Show and, well, the results are worth a look…
Here’s The Couple
Time Passed
When Jo and Kevin Taylor first met, amongst the many things they shared was a common interest in appearance. They both had long, scraggly locks and baggy clothes; both embraced an aesthetic better suited for bikers.
After almost fifty years of maintaining that image, their families decided they should change things up. The pair were initially hesitant about getting such a dramatic transformation, but they assumed they wouldn’t be selected anyway.
Of course, fate cares little for assumptions, and the team at Ambush Makeover was soon headed their way.
With the help of Louis Licari and Jill Martin, the couple underwent a complete refurb. Preserving their personal style, they were updated in a way that left the live studio audience stunned.