Comparing The Discovery
The team investigated each shipwreck one by one, and they made sure that they capture every detail through images and videos. While they were doing that the team spotted something inside the ship. The team believed that this ship was a Greek ship. And how did they reach that conclusion? There was a carving on that Greek trading vessel and also found the Siren Vase, which was sent to a British museum in London.
The Greeks
Back in the past, Greece was considered one of the most important places in the world. The place was filled with not only knowledgeable traders, but also skilled writers, athletes, and much more. At that time, they were called the Hellenes, which was changed after the arrival of the Romans who started calling them the Greeks.
Finding New Land
The Greeks who spent a lot of their time on the water, exploring the unseen areas across the Black Sea. Their economy was built on trade and due to that they found many unoccupied lands and made it theirs. Greece is one of the oldest cities in the world. People have been living there for more than 40,000 years. But that’s not it there were several other new information the team was able to find out about the ancient ships and about Greeks.
Unlikely Connection
The Vase is considered as one of the most amazing finds of the greek era. Homer’s poem “The Odyssey” where there is the painting (shown above) and the carvings on the ship which is shown in the painting is similar to the carvings found on the discovered ship. The vase has been dated back to around 480 B.C. The mystery behind the creator of the vase still continues and the researchers wanted to know that one connection which linked the vase and the ship.
It Was A Big Deal
Even if they wanted, the shipwreck couldn’t be moved from its original place where it was found as they had no idea what all damage it has suffered in all these years. Because of that, the team managed to secure small evidence from the ship and with the use of radiocarbon dating they would be able to find how old this ship actually was. The result was just as astonishing as this discovery.
Thousands Of Years Old
Results from the test proved how important this discovery was. The carbon dating test revealed that the ship was from 400 B.C., meaning that this ship has been lying on the bed of sea for amazing 2,400 years. Surprisingly, the ship was in good condition even after all these years. The simple mission of looking for the lost lands was turned into a treasure hunt which was far more interesting than finding a lost land.