Completely Different Time Periods
When researched about them a little further the team found out that these sites were from the Roman, Hellenistic, and Byzantine periods. The best thing about the discovery was its present condition. Due to a little oxygen which was present in the waters, the treasure survived for this long period. The team couldn’t take their eyes off from the amazing discovery. There was this sudden feeling of excitement that took over the team and Adams’ hunch changed their lives forever.
Final Season
Now, the team had every reason to stay at this place until they don’t find out everything about these shipwrecks. What was their history? Are there any buried treasures inside one of the shipwrecks? The team stayed there for two seasons and when everything came to an end they found the shipwrecks. During the additional course of their mission, they found out 20 other shipwrecks scattered all over deep inside the bed of the sea.
Exciting Find
The ships were in very condition and some of them even had crew equipment resting there on the deck of the sea. With mast standing as it has never seen the low and rudders still in place, they found the lost pieces of history. The team wanted to know more about it and as the investigation proceeded more and more baffling information was out in the open.
Lost Part Of History
The investigation made them aware of the other features of the discovery. The structures and uninjured fittings, with the most of these ships which have only been seen in the drawings by famous artists. Though this discovery was incredibly amazing, there were also other things that made their find much more interesting. What they found next helped the world to look at history from a different angle.
The Biggest Find
That was an unusual sighting which made the discovery more interesting. Adams’ team saw an oddity that was there in a 75-foot-long ship. Though the whole shipwreck wasn’t visible as the other parts were buried under sand, the half part was telling them a very amazing story about the past. Along with other wrecks that were scattered all over, this particular ship has been preserved and the team knew the reason behind that.
One Big Pickle Jar
The rowing benches were visible on the ship and mast was in a nearly perfect condition and in order to understand the reason behind it, Brendon Foley explained it, “The usual critters that eat wood and other organics elsewhere… cannot live in these anoxic waters, so shipwrecks… are preserved as if they were in a… big pickle jar.”