He Was Somewhat Embarrassed
He Was Somewhat Embarrassed

Mrs. Baltz told that how it made Ben embarrassed that he wasn’t able to cross the finish line on his own. But his mother went on explaining the little one who was smart enough to know that no one standing there was criticizing him but applauding for his hard work and unbeatable spirit.

He’s A Real Winner
He's A Real Winner

“We want to give him the message that he can do anything, and he has an inspirational story,” said Ben’s mother who wish the best for her kid. And she knows it is just the start of a never-ending struggle with life that Ben has to face. Ben and Private Morgan became friends after the incident and Private officer had something to say about him.

Good Friends

Private Morgan said about the little fighter, “as far as I’m concerned, he finished that race. As long as he knows he could’ve finished it and wanted to finish it, that’s all that matters.” They both taught each other something that day. 

Participate More

And Ben mother had something to say too, “We just want him to get out there and participate in life.” Ben wants to be like the Marines someday. He heard of their generosity before but on that day he even got to experience it.

No One Is Dispensable
No One Is Dispensable

In 2013, US Marine Miles Kerr accompanied a boy on a 5k race in Michigan just because the kid was left behind. He did it to keep the 9 years old motivated and keep running. And as expected, the kid finally made it to the finish line.

No Credits Needed

It seems these people don’t need any sort of publicity or credits for they call it their job. Doing one’s job correctly is a responsibility. Even Miles said, “As a Marine, we try to reach out and help as much as we can. I don’t think I’m a hero. I was just trying to help.”