Shocking Indeed
So how did her dad come up with this plan anyway? He must have had a good reason to be offering her such a prize to do well. This is what Clive, Molly’s dad, revealed when asked about how all this came about. “It was two years ago now and it was a bit of a joke at the time,” Clive recalls, “I had a bit of a shock when I heard the results.”
Such Incentives
And to hear about his daughter’s success in trying to prove herself would have definitely made him happy right? But so see her supersede his expectations, we’re pretty sure got him a little shocked… In the end, he had to hand her 1,400 pounds! That’s more than $1700 if we are speaking in American dollars!
Not My Motivation
And so since her dad would occasionally joke around about giving her money for her good grades, even Molly would laugh along sometimes. And when Molly was asked about this, she explained that her father’s promise of financial rewards became a joke in their household over the course.
Another Good Reason
But then, even though her dad’s promise was quite appealing, it was not the only thing that drove Molly to strive for greatness. Now though the money that her dad told her she would give her was handsome, she wanted to work hard for another reason too. She actually wanted to do this for herself on top of all things.
All About The Money
Molly then explained the whole situation later to the interviewers, “It started out as a family joke that soon became a bit of a talking point. It first came up two years ago, before I started my exams. I was just joking around saying what are you going to give me when I pass?” Even she never predicted that this would happen.
Joke To Reality
And so, what started off as a joke of sorts, gradually became a serious topic of conversation. Molly was told by her father that she would receive incentives based on her performance. She was instructed by her dad that if she were to do well, she would get the prize. The joke then manifested into a reality that shocked everyone.