The Day Finally Arrives
And after all her hard work and sweat, Molly was finally done with her exams. She gave the best she could give and so all that was left to do was wait for her results. So soon after her exams got over, Molly had to wait for her results to come out. Then the wait was over on August 23, 2018, which was the day the results came out.
Opening The Envelop
Though she studied well and did the best she could, Molly was still very nervous, The reason was that she needed to ace this exam for a good future. And when she opened the envelope, she could not have been happier to see all the A’s across the 14 subjects! “I worked so hard but I never thought it would actually happen,” the teenager revealed.
Tears Of Joy
So Molly could not wait to open and find out what fate had in store for her. “I came to school a bit late and then I opened the envelope with my friend,” Molly stated, “When I opened the results I was just in tears – I burst out crying. I spoke to one of my teachers and he said they were the best results the school has ever seen.”
A Realization
And then when Molly finally got to see the results, she could not have been happier. It was what she had worked so hard for, what she had always been praying for. But then as she was celebrating her good news, Molly suddenly remembered a small promise that her dad had made to her… A promise he would soon regret.
Hard Work Pays…Literally
So what exactly did her dad promise this excited young girl? Well, during the beginning of her school year, Molly’s father made a promise to her. He had very clearly stated that for each A that Molly received on her exams, there would be a cash prize. Her father promised to pay her 100 pounds which is about $126 US.
Not Seeing It Coming
And this was indeed a factor that had contributed to Molly being so driven and focused. As for her father, the small promise was something of a joke. He was just saying it out of the need to make his daughter work hard. But then, though he wanted to do this for her, he never expected it to backfire in a damn expensive way!