Well Structured

Simon said, “It was so well structured with the concrete roof and the walls, it was quite clear what it was going to be. We googled other air raid shelters and they were all of a similar structure, so it clicked quite quickly what it was.”

A Personal bunker?

But here the scene was a bit different. However, his bunker wasn’t aluminum built. In fact, it was built of bricks. Historians further confirmed his doubt that the chamber was not Anderson shelter. So what was it?

It’s Not Over

The investigation was not over yet. More investigation was yet to follow. After doing some research work, Simon figured that the Anderson-style tiny personal chambers were not strong enough to endure bomb attacks so they decided to go for heavy community bunkers. 

More Than A Bunker

Simon’s ordinary life had turned upside down. He in no way was going to leave the investigation in the middle. The bunker had a greater space than the Anderson-style. Besides, the bunker had many rooms.

A Wall

They kept walking till they reached the far end of the bunker and found a brick wall. And when they found the wall they all had only one question on their mind. What was lying on the other side of the wall? 

Uncover The Mystery

Whereas everyone was excited to uncover the mystery lurking behind the wall Simon decided to not to touch the wall. He feared that the wall was included in the base of the house and tampering with it might weaken the foundation. So, was the mystery behind the walls going to remain a mystery?