New Customer

It was almost evening time now. All eyes turned to the sound of a fancy sports car pulling up at the block. A man dressed in an elegant leather jacket and expensive boots stepped out of the car. The waiters exchanged a knowing look with each other. This one is going to be a challenge for all.
Lure The Man

The man arrived at the first restaurant and was greeted by the waiter with a pleasant smile. He offered the man their menu and requested his permission to escort him to a nice table. To his surprise, the man refused to enter the restaurant without even looking at the menu.

The man proceeded to the next restaurant and as expected, the waiter was already standing with the menu ready in his hands. But the same thing happened again, the man took one look at the waiter and the restaurant and moved on without saying anything. He refused to go inside.
Hard To Impress

It was obvious that this man was hard to impress. He moved past almost every restaurant in the block. None of the waiters could interest him in reading their menu let alone lure him inside. The waiters saw the man make his way to the last restaurant on the block and interact with the waiter.

The other waiters were confused about what this last waiter did that not only made the man stop and listen to him, but also interact with him. They watched as the waiters smile faltered into a poker face, which confused them even further.
The Conversation

What the other waiters didn’t know was how the conversation between the two went. When the waiter approached the man with the menu, the man refused to even take a look at it. But this waiter was a bit persistent, so he tried to charm the man. But the man had a surprise for the waiter.