An Activity
Smith had been trying to search for something that would be a good activity to carry forward with his grandson. He knew that he wanted something related to research so that his grandson would be able to learn a few new things. And so, the megalodon shark seemed like a good option.
Greg and his grandson started their activity of researching about the shark teeth together. After much study, the grandparent-grandson duo came across a lot of details. There is so much to know about the megalodon, that it looks like the information is never-ending.
Right Choice
Smith knew that the research on megalodon would entice his grandson and he would gain some unique information. Smith himself had quite a bit of knowledge about the shark since he had been collecting fossilized teeth of the megalodon for quite a time now.
Smith told about his grandsons reaction saying, “He said, ‘Grandpa, it’s a huge shark with a mouth as big as a garage!'” He knew that the shark had gained his grandson’s interest and nothing else could have been a better option than the megalodon.
A Gift
After the research ended, Smith decided upon gifting his grandson a giant tooth of the megalodon shark from his own collection, and needless to say the kid loved it. Smith thought that after knowing so much about the shark, the kid would now know its value and would take care of it.
More Than Imagined
Smith’s enthusiasm to collect the fossilized teeth reached an altogether different level and he did not stop after collecting just a few. In fact, as of 2018, the man had more than one thousand megalodon teeth in his collection!