The Biggest Shark In The World…
The first ever megalodon fossils which were found belonged to Otodus megalodon a.k.a Carcharodon or Carcharocles megalodon which is believed to be 20 million years old. This huge shark dominated the sea for the next 13 million years and some 3.6 million years ago this enormous species was wiped out from the face of the Earth. Today, to prove its existence, we have some teeth that have washed up to the shore every year. You’ll be surprised to see what all did they eat?
Ever Lived
Not only was megalodon the biggest shark in the world, but one of the largest fish ever to live on the face of the Earth. Megalodon was three times longer than present times white shark that dominates the ocean today in the absence of their ancestors. According to scientists, Megalodon grew to between 15 and 18 meters in size which made this species the largest in the whole world. But what does Megalodon mean?
It’s Skeleton
Scientists don’t have a complete skeleton which could tell them more about megalodon, but based on the size of these species’ teeth, which are around 18 centimeters long, they have named this megalodon which simply means ‘large tooth’. These teeth have told the scientists several other things too, like, what did they eat?
What Did Megalodon Eat?
“With its large serrated teeth megalodon would have eaten meat – most likely whales and large fish, and probably other sharks. If you are that big you need to eat a lot of food, so large prey is required,” said Emam Bernard, who is a curator at the Museum. So, it means they were able to eat animals as small as dolphin and as huge as humpback whales. But there are other amazing facts about this species which left everybody baffled.
More Amazing Facts
As they researched more about megalodon’s feeding habits they found out that there were several cut marks on the surface. Not only that the scientists also found out that the shark’s tooth tips were broken because of all the frenzy feeding activity they did back in the past. Imagine the force which they produced while eating and biting the food which literally broke off the tips of their tooth.
Open Wide
In order to feed off the prey as large as whales, megalodon had to open its mouth wide. Scientists believe that its jaw spanned 2.7 by 3.4 meters wide which are wide enough to swallow two adults human that too side-by-side. When scientists reconstructed the jaw they were amazed to see that megalodon had 276 teeth which proved that their bite would have been the most ruthless bite to be ever recorded from a predator.