To The Rescue
And so Martin was startled but rushed quickly towards the old man. He gave him some water and this old man was able to share his tale. He told Martin that he had unfortunately fallen from the road and down the hill. He had injured his legs and could not move. He told Martin that he had been waiting 7 hours for a passerby to notice his cries. But no one seemed to hear…
Getting Orders
It was fortunate for him that his two dogs understood the fact that he was in trouble. And the old man needed to get some help as he could not even stand up. He had ordered one of his dogs to give him shade from the blistering sun while the other one had to stand by the road to hopefully get some help. Martin was blown away by their obedience and loyalty. But he still needed to act quick…
Martin Gets Help
Since Martin did not know how to handle the situation by himself, he did what he thought would be most helpful. He quickly took his phone out and called 911. And when the emergency services reached the site, they were not able to take the old man’s two best friends along. “Could you watch them for a few hours? I’ll get my daughter to pick them up this evening. They’re really no bother at all!” he pleaded Martin.
Was He Capable?
And like we must have already guessed, Martin felt a little uneasy. He did not know if he was capable of handling the two dogs by himself. There was another concern that was swirling around his head too. Would his dear dog be okay with two play dates? Would he himself be able to look after the dogs and maintain his cool? “Okay,” Martin responded as he took the dogs’ leashes.
On A Road Trip
And since this was the first time ever that Martin was handling someone else’s dogs, he was nervous and a little scared too. He could feel his body shake as he planted the two pups in the boot of his car. The two dogs were howling as he drove away from their owner. He had to calm himself as his grip on the driving wheel tightened. He had to convince himself that they were harmless.
What Would Have Happened?
He had to control the thought on his mind and tell himself that these dogs would not harm him. He was restless the whole way home while driving the car. And upon reaching home, Martin gave the two pups some much-needed water. Afterward, they basked in the sun with Charlie in Martin’s garden. Martin then thought about what the old man’s fate would have been if he had not gone to inspect…