Not A Dream
Sam, a five-year-old kid, one night decided to sleep in her mother’s bedroom with her. Sam was alarmed by the cat’s voice and soon saw a large figure standing in front of the bedroom’s door. He started waking up his mom and she was shocked to see an intruder in the middle of the night. She threw her son out of the window and herself jumped out of it. By the time police arrived the intruder was long gone. The police found some notebooks that had some names and drawings, a pair of gloves and gum wrappers inside the water heater closet. The intruder broke into the house in the day and waited for Sam and her mother to fell asleep.
The Basement Calling
This 16-year-old girl was house sitting for a close family friend when she heard some strange noises that were coming from the basement. She was smart and didn’t go to the basement alone and called the cops. She told them about her situation and even asked them not hurry as this could all be nothing in the end. The moment she hung up the phone, after a couple of minutes four cops showed up on her doorsteps. Three cops went to the basement leaving one cop stayed behind for her safety. The police then brought this man out from the basement who was sitting inside the washing machine and was making the weird noises only to lure her. The girl then asked why did they come so fast even when she asked them not to do so. They told her that the operator heard a second click of somebody else hanging up the phone.
Under My Bed
This woman was back from her 12-hour shift and straight away entered her bedroom to lie down. The moment she opened the door of her bedroom she heard some movements under her bed and realizing that someone is there she said, “Damn, I forgot to lock my bike.” She then exited the house and called 911. The police arrived in time and caught the guy who has a long sheet of conviction and was convicted rapists. Luckily, she played smart even when she was tired of her 12-hour shift.
Bartender Story
This bartender returned home early than usual. He found his apartment, not in the way he left it before leaving for his work. Soon he heard some movements in his bedroom, he didn’t wait and exited the house in hurry. He called the cops telling about a possible intruder in his house. The police arrived and found a drunk woman in his bedroom. This woman was looking for a revenge from this bartender who kicked her out of the bar because of her misbehavior. The police found her holding a long knife and a rope. Thankfully, the bartender wasn’t drunk.