The Fox Man

Paul McDonald, a local rescuer who used to work with the Freshfields Animal Rescue was told about the whole incident. He drove from Hemmington to help the cubs.

He had his own piece of advice to give to them. “Fox cubs don’t initially look like foxes when they are cubs, so it’s common for people to mistake them for dog puppies,” said Paul McDonald, popularly known as The Fox Man. he further added, “they are brown in color as opposed to the red, ginger color of adults.”

How And Why

“Vixens leave their cubs all the time whilst they are in the den, and as they get older they’ll begin to explore their surroundings more and more, and become less dependent on mum as they get older,” told McDonald. Now they had a huge responsibility to find the newborns’ mother.

No Milk

It was a really long day, and five tiny canines were hungry and a team was looking for their mother in the nearby areas. Meanwhile, McDonald came up with a great idea to reunite the mother fox with her babies. 

Hungry Babies

“I didn’t give the cubs any milk in order for them to be hungry so they’d cry out and call for their mum, which they did,” explained McDonald. His trick was going to work or not, only time will tell. He added, “I put them around the same place they were found, as I knew the mum would be looking for them, and she’d be checking the place she last had them.”

A Waiting Game

At 4 o’clock, McDonald kept the babies inside a cardboard box that already had a warm water bottle inside it to keep the babies warm. Everyone kept waiting for their mother to appear. As time passed, they were also getting worried if the babies will be able to live without milk for that long…

Couldn’t Wait

After a couple of hours, a mother fox appeared slowly. She was checking everything nearby and cautiously taking each step towards her babies. She peeped inside the cardboard box and picked one of the babies by its neck and walked away. She didn’t return for a while.