Simon had never imagined something like this would happen to him. He had seen it in thriller movies and had heard stories about it. Prior to the incident, this was a part of imagination for him. However, his perception got changed drastically, when he bought a house amid a forest. He loved nature because he had seen only the beautiful aspects of it. But this time he was going to see something unbelievable.
The man moved into the house soon after making the purchase. He decided to inspect his house once again and it is then he noticed a secret door on the floor of his kitchen. Well, the previous owner had not told him about it. He wondered what was inside it but could not gather the courage to unlock it. However, one day he decided to face his fear and he finally opened the door to some big mysteries. You won’t believe what he found there.

Simon was a traveller. He loved traveling and after that what he loved the most was getting lost in nature. The man would never miss out any opportunity of getting closer to nature. He would often go out on hiking or fishing in his leisurely times. He was fond of forests and preferred spending most of his time around trees. The man now wanted to get settled in the forest. He was looking for a suitable house.
It’s Perfect

Well, the man did not have to wait long as he soon found himself a perfect home. Much to his surprise, the rate was way lower than he expected. Perhaps, nature too wanted to have him closer. Or maybe there was something else. Simon was happy not knowing what was about to be followed.
Small And Beautiful
The house was small and beautiful. The guests were in awe as finding a beautiful house like this that too in such a low price is next to impossible. Simon himself could not believe in his luck. It was actually suspicious how the man got this stunningly beautiful house in such a cheap amount. He was soon going to figure this out.

Finally came the day when he moved into his house. Everything seemed perfect to him. He definitely had hit a jackpot by buying the house without spending lots of fortune, at least that is what he thought. His first awakening happened when he saw a secret door in his dining room.

The door was under the dining table onto the floor. There was something beneath the floor that he had not been informed about by the previous owner. Something was definitely not right. He wanted to check but he loved his house and did not wanted any reason to leave it.
Hold The Door

It was really strange! What could be inside that door? Why was he not informed about it? Perhaps, the owner forgot to tell or maybe he himself did not know about it. The questions triggered curiosity in him. Maybe it was shut because it was meant to hide something. Maybe a secret that could be bad. Though he really wanted to unhinge those doors but he could not muster up enough courage.