A Special Diet

Foxes like to eat berries, rodents, plants, and rabbits. Along with that, they require a vast space so that they could roam around freely. They don’t like to stay indoors and they have a specific kind of smell that is awful too. Ordinarily, an adult fox weighs about 5 to 7 kilograms. But Shadow seemed to weigh a little more than 7 kg.   


One Meter Long!

Silver foxes can be one meter long as far as its length is concerned. In terms of size, the foxes are very much like a medium-sized dog. The only difference is that the dogs are easy to handle but fox, well they are too notorious to control. RSPCA suggests deep research for the people who are planning on adopting a fox.     

An Exotic Pet…

One should go through all the required details of the wild animal they are willing to adopt. It is important as to see if they are able to provide the animal with a comfortable home, nutrition, and care. Not only that, the exotic pets should be given equally exotic vets which can cost a fortune.     

No Wild

As for shadow, the fox will not be taken back to the wild as he has always stayed as a pet. Additionally, the fox would be taken under the supervision of the professionals as he would not be able to survive on his own. Therefore, the animal needed to stay in a sanctuary.

Foxes Are Difficult Pets!

Ms. McArdle further states, “It’s a real shame foxes like that to be domesticated.” RSPCA suggests against having foxes as pets. No doubt, they are cute but at the same time they are dangerous too. Taking care of foxes is not an easy thing. Many times the people with a lot of experiences fail in caring for the animal.

Not For Everyone

If you want to adopt any pet then go for dog or cat. Foxes are not a good choice as they are too ferocious to tame. Every animal out there deserves affection and care. No one should hurt them. And you should never abandon your pet if you have any as it is only you who they can look up to as a family.