Did He Escape?

Lee Stewart, the manager of the Stapeley Grange stated,  “It is likely that Shadow has been kept as a pet and he has either escaped, in which case we need to find his owners, or he has been dumped by his owners.” 

A Chubby Silver Fox

Stewart also made clear that the fox was  “checked over by our team of vets and was found to be in good health, just a little overweight.” Well, the information indicates that the animal had a great life as he was leading a healthy and happy life till the time he went astray or got abandoned by his owner.    

First In 25 Years!

Stewart also shed light on the current condition of the fox. He clarified that Shadow is doing well in their shelter. Stewart further said that shadow “is the first silver fox we have ever had here at Stapeley Grange, in nearly 25 years we have been open.”

A Rare Visitor

The manager further stated, “He is an impressive-looking animal and it has been interesting to us all to have such a rare admission.” The center people were doing their best to provide comfort to this rarely found fox. But what were they going to do with this fox? They can’t keep it here all their lives. 

Shadow’s Home

Well, they had already planned their next step. Shadow was going to stay under the supervision of the vets for some days. And after that, he would be shifted to a place suitable for him until the rescuers find out his home and owner. They decided to send him to a professional caretaker well versed in handling the foxes.        

Silver Foxes And Red Foxes

Silver foxes and red foxes belong to same species in the UK. The only difference is of the color. Whereas red foxes can easily be found in the wild, silver foxes are rare species as they are primarily bred because of their fur. They own a beautiful and dark fur that sets it apart from the others. That is the reason why people like to keep it as a pet.