Missing Family Members
Long-lost relatives came together with the help of the internet and the police’s efforts. Steve and Jennifer still managed to stay in touch, they meet each other whenever they have time. Their reunion was nothing less of a miracle.
A Happy Ending
Steve’s story managed to keep the flames of hope lighting for all the people who still look for their missing family members. Although with years passing, the chances decrease the hope still stays somewhere deep inside. And after knowing stories like this, people try hard to keep their missing relatives’ cases open and put the missing image on a larger platform like any missing people’s website governed by the authorities.
World Wide Attention

The story of Steve Jr. has been unbelievable. When anyone’s known goes missing, people tend to post on Facebook which again has helped in many cases. But the thing is how many percents of people manage to make it back to their real families?
The Reality
Once anyone loses track of their loved ones, they rarely ever make it back to each other. If Steve’s sister wouldn’t have made her efforts to get the case reopened, and Steve, on the other hand, wouldn’t have given it a try after knowing the story of the missing girl, they would have never got a chance for positive closure.