The True Identity
Bamboo Bob and his crew excavated the box from the soil. Only then did they realize that this was not an electric box at all. Matthew had been wrong about this all along. Only now was he proven wrong about his assumption. The guys then turned the box over to see what it was really about and what it carried inside. They could have easily thrown it away but something indicated what it was actually for…
Not An Ordinary Box
The box was with a dial so it probably meant that it was safe. Bamboo Bob and his team then took this to Matthew Emanuel. He could not believe what had been found right there in his own backyard. His whole family had lived there not knowing this was there all along. They had not even bothered to check what this safe was all about before… Suddenly, Matthew wanted to know what it was actually for…
Taking Guesses
The safe was about two feet across and one and a half feet in height. It weighed about 100 pounds. Matthew still did not have any clue what this safe would be for. As Bamboo Bob and the work team watched from the background, Matthew tried lifting and dragging the box, to see if there were any coins inside it. He did all he could to hear any sound coming from inside the box…
Opening The Box
Matthew did not get a single sound coming from inside of the safe, but it was clear that it was not at all empty. The men at work helped him take the safe to the front deck of the house to further inspect it. The landscapers went back to work but Mathew’s attention was now focused on a whole other thing now. He got a pickaxe and smashed the safe. It cracked open and what he saw sent shivers down his spine.
Just Treasures
Matthew Emanuel was awestruck by what he saw. The safe had in it, stacks of hundred dollar bills, each about three inches thick. Also, there were zipper bags that contained chunks of gold, jade, earrings, jewels, diamond rings. His mind was blown away. Matthew and Bamboo Bob were discoverers of literal treasure in this ordinary Staten Island backyard. However, these treasures were tainted…
Water Damage
Although Matthew Emanuel found the purpose of the box in his backyard, it was a little too late. The safe turned out not to be waterproof. Most of the dollar bills were wet and had succumbed to the natural elements. Since the dollar bills were stacked together, he knew they would fall apart if they tried separating. But the main surprise from the box was not even this…