In Need Of Help
David recalls, “She threw herself into the water, swam across and then limped over to me. I saw what a desperate state she was in.” “There were vultures following her – that’s how close she was to death,” he said.
Helping Out
David Foster felt very sad when he saw the dog in this condition. If the dog is not provided with food for some more days, he would starve to death. The man wanted to do something for it. He called the dog up on his boat.
Friendly Pup
It was a female dog. The man reminisces the moment when the dog saw him: “she came running towards me. And that’s when I noticed how bad off she was.” Well, this amazing story has just begun. there is more to this story.
Good Man
The tragic condition of the black dog made him feel downhearted. “It looked as if someone had beaten her, she was so close to death. She was wagging her tail and crying at the same time.” David had taken up this responsibility now and was going to protect her throughout the journey. The animal too was reciprocating to the affection of the man. Dogs are good at figuring out their friends and foe. This dog knew that she was in safe hands.
Delicious Treats
Unfortunately, the man too had run out of food. His boat had gone empty by now. The only edible item David was left with was some biscuits. The man had kept them in his backpack for an emergency. David gave them to the dog. Though creature was starving she initially hesitated from picking them up. But soon she ate them up.
Happy Girl
After getting her belly full with food, the dog gave David a big smile. It seemed as if she was conveying her gratitude to him through her smile. The two had formed an instant bond with each other. David was nothing less than a god for the dog who had come here to rescue her. But what that dog was doing on this deserted island?