Making Bigger
Jurrjens added these newly found photos to her collection of pictures that she had inherited from her grandparents. She had their portraits and also many photographs featuring them. In those pictures too they were enjoying themselves in a picnic around a highway in 1954. Pictures given by van Oers was definitely going to make her collection even more beautiful.
In Person
Jurrjens and van Oers stayed in touch. Moreover, van Oers instead of sending the camera and its content to her through mail decided to give it to her in person. Oers explained, “We started to chat on a daily basis. I am hoping that one day I will be able to fly over to her to deliver the negatives and camera myself.”
Inside A Camera
He further stated, “I was so shocked that we had developed a film that’s been untouched inside a camera for decades. And we have been able to find pictures of people on them and then be able to find the descendants. It’s an indescribable feeling.”
Impressed And Inspired
This is indeed an incident to remember. The photographer had never imagined that one day he would face a situation of this sort. He is very impressed and inspired by the images he had discovered. He continued, “I have had large prints made of the images and they’re definitely going to go up on a wall in my house.”
Thrift Store
Many things had changed for him. He had well understood the value of some of the things from the thrift store held. He explained, “I will be sure to check the inside of any vintage camera I come across from now on. If I find one that’s holding a film, I’ll definitely buy it.”
Flying To Her
He made a crowdfunding page only to collect money to fulfill the expenses of his journey. Finally, in August 2017, he announced that he is going to fly to the woman’s city to give her pictures. He said, “So in September I travel to Canada to hand over Marion the camera!”