A man went inside a thrift store and bought a vintage camera for his wife. He was planning on giving a surprise to her but little did he know that life was about to surprise him. He took the camera home and opened it up only to see a roll of films. So, the old camera was not empty, it had a roll of films. The curiosity piqued and he decided to develop them into photos. He along with his friend managed to develop pictures out of it. There was no end to their astonishment when they saw the pictures. Life had given them a mission now.
The Beginning
Sometimes the real treasure and mysteries lie in thrift stores. Martijn van Oers who had a hobby of looking for unique stuff in thrift store came across something bizarre. He, as usual, was looking for interesting stuff in a Dutch thrift store when a vintage camera caught his attention.
The man loved photography too and so fell in love with that camera in first sight only. He picked it up only to find something more amazing inside it. The camera looked perfectly fine. And he was expecting a high price for it but that was not the case here.
Opened It

He without thinking twice took the camera home. It was in his home he opened the camera to see if it had anything inside it. To his surprise, there was indeed something hiding inside it. There was an archaic roll of film. Little did Oers know that an ordinary discovery by him was going to pave way for a journey that he would have never anticipated.
Just Click It
As mentioned earlier Martijn van Oers was fond of photography. He is one of those people who believes the best way to cherish a moment is to relive it by capturing it in a picture. He loved clicking pictures of nature, people and things. But the man had no idea that his life was going to take a complete turn not because of pictures clicked by him but by someone else. What was so special in that roll of film?
Zeiss Ikon 520/2
On further examination, he realized that it was an original Zeiss Ikon 520/2. Well, the man’s ecstasy knew no bound when the truth dawned upon him. It was difficult to digest the fact that the camera that happened to be original Zeiss Ikon 520/2 was lying unnoticed for a long time in a thrift store. Moreover, the appearance of the camera conveyed that it had not been used much.
Old Camera

Its extraordinary and antiquated folding medium-format camera. This type of camera was very popular in those times. It took in 120 roll films in use. The camera is equipped with a classic Tessar lens.