79-Year Old Man
Werner Freund is a 79-year-old man born on 2 March in Germany. He is a researcher by profession. Though he has worked as a gardener before. He has also been associated with various expeditions. He was married in the year 1972 and since then have been living in Merzig. This man is a true humanitarian in every sense. His love for animals, especially for wolves, has made him what he is today. Werner was fond of wolves. Werner was attracted to their ferociousness. Their majesticness and the attitude like that of an extremely proud being is what makes him long for this wild animal. He had closely studied the behavior of this breed and their characteristics made him even more prone to admiring these wild creatures.
Wolfspark Sanctuary
Wolfspark Sanctuary is a wolf sanctuary spread over 25 acres in West Germany. It is a home to nearly 29 wolves belonging to six distinct packs originating from Europe, Siberia, Canada, the Arctic, and Mongolia. Werner Freund established this sanctuary in the year 1972 and has raised more than 70 animals there over the last 40 years. He is a fearless man to dare of homing such a wild animal that too in quite a large number.
Bringing Up Like His Own
Similar to how a human mother rears up her children with all her love and care, Werner has brought up these wild wolves. He acquired the wolves as cubs from zoos and since their childhood has stood by them. He is known for nurturing these animals by his hands and this is one of the prime reasons for wolves to love him instead of their natural instinct to attack humans.
Emotional Beings
Not many people are aware of a trait of wolves which makes them even distinct. Wolves are very emotional when it comes to their relationships and family. Once they get a partner they would stay with them forever. Developing an attachment to a particular being is the only thing which makes them loyal to their counterpart. They are so strongly connected to their known wolves that they can go to any extent to be with them and save them.
Brave Man
Werner Freund might look like any other average old man but he is one beyond extraordinary. With age, his vitality and vigor might have been deteriorating but his bravery with every day increased. Werner started spending hours in his sanctuary. He wasn’t scared of wolves surrounding him but rather he enjoyed them being this close to him. Unlike any other man who would be scared to wits to find a wolf around.