Finally Seated

After what seemed like waiting forever for people to make their way to their seats and stow away their hand luggage, Janice finally got to hers. She opened the overhead compartment to store her gear and she sat down in her seat.
Now that boarding was finally complete, Janice was able to feel excited about returning home. However, this excitement wasn’t going to last long. And the only good thing about this was Janice wasn’t aware of this. Else she would not have been happy from the start at all.
Experiencing Delays

But the plane still wasn’t taking off and Janice’s patience was being tested. She looked at her watch yet again. Clearly, there was a delay—the flight was supposed to lift off 10 minutes prior. This delay was unexpected and not in sight from start.
However, they were still on the ground, and no announcement had been made about why they were experiencing delays. Looking for answers, Janice started glancing around the plane. She was curious to know what happened and why this delay was happening in the first place?
The Cause

Knowing that bad weather was usually the reason for delays, she looked out the window. But it was a beautiful day outside. The sky was clear and there weren’t any clouds in sight. This made it even more suspicious to think of any other reasons to delay the flight.
Still hoping for answers, Janice looked to the aisle to see if passengers were coming onto the plane. But there was no movement and all of the seats were filled. The soldier had no idea she was the reason behind the delay.
Getting Answers

Hoping to get answers, Janice tried to find a flight attendant so she could ask what the delay was about. But she couldn’t find anyone—there was no flight attendant in sight. The staff area was also empty, which seemed odd because they should have been getting ready for takeoff.
Janice stuck her head into the aisle, which is when she saw something that completely caught her off-guard. She was taken aback and shocked and almost couldn’t believe her eyes. She stood there in shock, unable to say or do anything for a while.
Catching Her Attention

Between the business class and the economy class, there was someone standing, and it didn’t look like a flight attendant. The soldier didn’t recognize the figure, but unbeknownst to her, it was the person who had been watching her as soon as she arrived at the airport.
For the first time since she could remember, Janice was intimidated. But she couldn’t look away. Something about the handsome man was demanding her attention. Was it his black hair or his beautiful blue eyes? She didn’t know, but she couldn’t stop staring.
Handsome Man

Janice knew she shouldn’t stare, but something about the man made her keep looking. Based on his aura of confidence and strong frame, she couldn’t help but think he was lost. At least this is what she thought he needed.
But the man was far from lost, he had a reason for being there, and Janice was it. The handsome man had been watching the young soldier for hours. Why? What did he want from Janice? These questions started striking her in her mind.