Made A Call
The loggers knew they can’t cut this tree anyway. Yes, it was a loss of their work but they knew whatever this thing was, it could be far more significant or valuable to others. Hence, they made a call to inform about their sudden finding to their manager who was equally confused as they were. Anyway, he wanted the required work to be done and asked them to ignore it and focus.
Teeth Solved The Mystery
It seemed like a monster trying to jump out of the tree. According to some, it looked like a canine growling. It was hard to guess what it was when the only thing clear to them was that it is a living being. The discovery was certainly disturbing but everyone wanted to know the story behind this monster in the tree.
Frozen In Time
This thing seemed like trying to move and was frozen in time. What happened to this creature? That was their sole question. Before it could be answered, the loggers themselves understood what it was and guess what? Their guess was right. After taking a closer look at the creature, they noticed it’s teeth, that made it quite obvious to them.
A Pooch!
Its teeth were sharp, a long snout, and its paws were visible too. It was visible because it was close to the trunk’s top. This mystery was partially resolved when the loggers made out that it was a dog. But now they were baffled to even think that it was an alive pooch at some point in time that was nowhere in the mid of the tree.
Mummified Version?
Some said it was like a mummified dog, but what a mummified dog was doing here? Neither it was Egypt nor it was buried in a coffin! It wasn’t even mummified, it was like someone asked him to stay statue until he dies and he agreed. That’s not the true story though.
Unanswered Questions
What loggers could not make out was, how did this dog even get there? Was the way it looks like it was trying to run? Keeping all their curiosity aside they got back to their work meanwhile they decided what is to be done with this trunk.