It’s the virtual world we are talking about and thinking of it reminds us of a recent meme that has gone viral on Instagram: “In 2009, made plans to meet online while in 2019, making plans online to meet offline.” Indeed it’s true.
A woman who recently gained fame due to her appearance in a reality show was taken aback when her Instagram followers started to comment warnings under her posts with her newborn baby. While many Instagram users with a high number of followers rarely reply to the comments, this woman not only was in a habit of going through all the comments as well as she took this matter seriously. Read on to know the results of these comments and the woman’s reaction to them.
A Family
The two people you see in this picture are the ones whom this story revolves around. In fact, the incident we are talking about took place when this couple was on a laid back holiday with their newly born child. And it was then that their Instagram followers started to point the worst part about the pictures of the woman with her child. However, it is necessary that we tell you how these people ended up having thousands of Instagram followers in the first place.
Zoe Hendrix
Zoe Hendrix, a native of Australia, was 29 years old when she became a participant of a reality show. She has always liked challenges and based on her nature, everyone knew that she was about to say yes to the offer of becoming a participant at a famous reality show. People who knew her were right in guessing this, Zoe did agree to the reality shows’ rules and regulations. But this was no ordinary reality show, in fact, the type that might change one’s life.
Alex Garner
The 32-year-old Australian, Alex Garner, made several mistakes in the past but he wanted to give himself one last try. Therefore, to see how it’ll go if he keeps his life decisions in the hands of the so-called relationship experts, Alex agreed to turn up on the sets of this reality show. But what was this show all about?
Meeting A Stranger
So, these two people Alex and Zoe were complete strangers and a bunch of relationship experts were trying to check the possibilities of these two people making things work out together. Wait, didn’t we just say they are strangers? Well, yes they were but they agreed to meet a person that the three experts would choose for them, that’s what the reality show was all about.
Different Persons
Both Zoe and Alex were very different from each other, in terms of habits, hobbies, interests and more. Even their career choices were too different: while Zoe had a major in Digital Marketing, Alex was a plumber. The point is that their career choices were not going to stand between what they were looking for, ie, a life partner.
Married At First Sight

The Australian reality TV show, Married at First Sight (MAFS) also known as the most controversial social experiment, a platform where Alex and Zoe were going to meet each other. The reality shows with this concept run in several countries around the globe. But it couldn’t work like that in Australia. Want to know why?