Stars In Favor
The email she received was not that significant, but, relating to her present situation, she found that email to be a life-saver. Moreover, she fetched a way out to decrease her efforts. The email she received was from a cleaning company, seeing what she thanked her stars. With that, she could see amazing discounts on the way waiting only for her.
A Good Night
After having done with the booking process, Genevieve felt relieved as she expects her house to be trash-free and well-maintained in the coming evening. With the very thought of getting a cleaned house, she headed to her bedroom to take a sound sleep. The night brought a ray of hope for Genevieve for she had to deal with cleaning no more.
Monday Morning
It was a Monday morning and Genevieve was getting late for the office as she waited for her appointed cleaners to arrive there. Her phone was buzzing with the incoming calls from her office, but she decided to see a clean house on that very evening. So, ignoring the calls, she waited for those ladies to come.
Letting In
After a long wait, finally, Genevieve heard something that she desperately wanted to hear. Her doorbell! Wasting no more time in guesses, she opened the door. She let two ladies in. Genevieve already was aware that the ladies were the cleaners from Joanna’s Cleaning Service hence asked no more questions.
Shedding Money
Genevieve, excited on getting a discount instantly paid the ladies $185 fee adding more than $60 as a tip. She thought it to be a good deal, therefore, worth the time, she went for a cash payment. Discount is all she thought of which made her forget even her office timings.
Au Revoir
After the payment process, Genevieve managed to show them the areas which were to be cleaned. She was already late so she thought of taking a leave from her house letting the ladies take over the charge for the day, in a desire to get a clean house. She then said goodbye to her cats and left for the office.