He Was Like A Wolf

Todd recalled the events, “I could hear him coming. I couldn’t see anything because the blood was all in my eyes, but I could hear him coming, growling and making these sounds… he sounded like a wolf.” Lucas who has been trained to spot the danger through a person’s body language was able to take action on his own and attacked the attackers.

The Enraged K9 Attacks!

Lucas jumped to bit one of the three attackers, who started to run away towards their car. But Lucas wouldn’t let go of his leg and as a result, Lucas was left with a hurt shoulder, a torn ligament, and a few teeth cut from the gums. But the dog acted like he was saying, “you should see the other guys!” 

Calling For Reinforcement

Todd stood up and called for backup and an ambulance because he was bleeding heavily. He was taken to the Hancock Medical Center where he was admitted for a night before he was relieved. But what happened to the attackers and most importantly what about Lucas?

Who Were the Attackers?

Deputy Todd wasn’t the first to get attacked like this as there have been some several attacks too in the area. “We get a BOLO (be-on-the-lookout) from the state alerting us that the Gangster Disciples have put out an SOS, or Shoot on Sight, for police officers,” said Chief Deputy Don Bass who thinks what happened to deputy Todd should be a wake-up call for the whole department.

Todd Could Have Died

“They told him they were going to slit his throat, and they were dragging him toward the woods. We’re not a large agency, and all these guys have families.” All thanks to Lucas, because of him Todd was left with few injuries and a cut on his forehead.  After this incident, Todd took a decision that changed his life forever.

Covered In Blood

Lucas was covered in blood which was not his. The blood was of Todd’s attackers. Lucas did manage to bite all of them once before they ran away from the scene. Lucas’ action tells us how much he loves Todd. On the department’s Facebook page they described Lucas’ heroic action and how he managed to save Todd.