Police Dog Training
Police dogs are either trained for “single purpose” or “dual purpose.” So, what do you mean by a single purpose and dual purpose? Single purpose dogs are mostly used in activities like backup, personal protection, and tracking. On the other hand, dual purpose dogs are mostly trained to all sort of activities the single purpose dogs do, in addition to detecting explosives. But how do the dogs get to know if there is an explosive material of some sort?
How Do They Communicate?
The dogs are trained for either detecting the explosives or narcotics, but not both. Why is that? The reason is that dogs can’t communicate with the assigned officer about the material it had found. And if the dog is trained for a specific task then there would be no confusion about the material it has found because a narcotics trained dog would only be able to detect narcotics and the dog which has been trained to detect the explosives items will only be able to detect those which helps the police to take actions accordingly. Did you know why police dogs are trained in German commands?
One Language For All
These dogs are trained in German and K9s in the United States are also trained in the same language. Unknown language gives the owner more control over the dog. Though well-trained dogs don’t respond to anyone other than their owners, still, the German commands give an extra protection layer. But why only German?
Why Only German?
It is believed that the dog training started in Germany and a large percentage of police dogs come from German and European breeders as they are more reputable due to their age-old dog-training tradition.
Aggressive Or Loving?
Just because they are police dogs this doesn’t mean they can’t be loving, they can be both aggressive and loving. For a very long time, there was a misconception about these police dogs that they were aggressive and shouldn’t be kept in the house as a pet like other dogs. But it was just a perception because, in reality, they are just like any other house dogs. And Lucas here is a living example of that. So, what exactly happened that day?
Todd Trained Lucas
After the incident, Sheriff Ricky Adam of the Hancock County Sheriff’s Department said in the interview, “Deputy Frazier is a good deputy and takes his job seriously. He is also an excellent dog handler – he trained Lucas himself.” But it wasn’t the training that made Lucas did this. He was working solely on his own intuition. The deputy gave no German commands to Lucas but then why did he do that?