Informing The Family

Alicia and Justin took out their phone and made a video of Benny. They instantly shared it with Matt and Grace and even posted it on the Facebook page. Matt and Grace had tears of joy. Their kid who went missing was at last located and that too in such a miraculous way. Everyone who was a part of finding Benny was overjoyed at the announcement.

The Reunion

Alicia and Justin with utmost care climbed down the ravine. They made sure that Benny doesn’t suffer any injuries in the way. As soon as Benny saw Matt and Grace he jumped on them. This was literally what the couple had been missing since the afternoon their beloved went missing. Matt and Grace gave a tight hug to Benny. Even Spike and Peanut joined in at the moment.


Matt and Grace would remain grateful to Alicia and Justin forever. While everyone lost hope with Benny, these two individuals did the unbelievable for their couple friend. They owe their happiness about being a big fat complete family to their neighboring friends. While everything seemed to be perfect then, something bothered Matt and Grace.

Poor Benny

Benny looked extremely ill. His condition was heartbreaking. Nearly two weeks being deprived of food made him lean. He had scratches and minor injuries at his paws which might have been caused while he was trying to escape that space. Not only this, he was untidy and had fleece in his fur. The couple immediately took the dog to a vet.

Needs Care

The vet told the couple that they need not worry as Benny wasn’t in that bad condition as thought. Consuming no food for days had made him pale and he had lost nearly 6.5 lbs of weight due to starvation. However, he was well hydrated. And his wounds could be treated and all he needs was some rest for a few days.

Recovering Fast

More than the medical help, Benny needed his parent’s love. All these days of seclusion from his family made him weaker than being on empty stomach. However, as directed by the vet the couple took good care of their dog and fed him healthy food. Moreover, they also made sure that he gets proper rest.