The Others
As we mentioned, behind the cabin, he found others which were in a similar condition to the one he had seen in his childhood, if anything, they were in worse condition. Was this a settlement? Sort of a close community of people who did not linger about or who no one saw? Or was this an establishment of something more sinister?
Lost to Time
The roof of this particular cabin caved in and the attic seems to have vanished completely, leaving the shattered windows to give the transparent view of the woods. It is hard to say if someone broke the roof or smashed it in. Out of all the cabins, only this one has its roof caved in. Why? James could not find out.
Ending The Visit
The dried blood and the poison were enough to ring the final alert bell in James’ head and he did not want to see what other secrets the other cabins held. Quickly he made his way out but not without taking some final snapshots. This hook usually found outside gothic palaces has a torch attached to it, for light. This hook unsurprisingly has no such purpose. Then what was the purpose of this hook here? Like all other things in this cabin, it is a mystery.
One Last Collective View
This cabin and the neighborhood cabins and their story and truth are shrouded in mystery. Were they all collectively abandoned? Or did something happen in one of these cabins that made the others leave? Was something illegal happening here? What were all those noises that disturbed James in the night as a kid? I guess James or we would never have these answers.
No Harm Done
If not solve the mystery of the horror cabin, James was able to achieve one thing. He faced his childhood fear of the cabin and dared to explore it. He came across some dark stuff in there and it is sure to have messed his mind up, it sure messed up ours- but the fact that he took the step makes us respect him more.
We are just glad he came out physically unharmed. We hope he got some closure, turns out that it was not the ghosts that haunted this place but some shady stuff done by humans.