Turned To Garbage And Dust
The inside of the cabin was more horrifying than the outside. Destruction seemed to persist everywhere. Rubble, roof, poles, all smashed and rusted rose in a mountain. It was as if a mini-war happened here. Who lived here? Were they killed? Or did they escape? There were too many questions running inside James’ mind and there were no answers. The mysteries only intensified.
A Sign
In all the rubble, James stumbled upon a sign which somewhat solved some of his doubts but raised many others. He found a plank which read- “Sunkist Oranges”. Did the resident here sell oranges or did they get them in crates to eat? But if they sold oranges, where did they grow them? There are no orange trees in the wood or any farm nearby? This did not make sense.
Chemicals Found!
When James took cautious steps inside the house, to his horror he found some powdered chemicals spilled on a table. He was smart enough to not touch them. They could have been acidic, could have been poisonous, could have been anything really. This made one thing clear, there were humans here, what they did and why they were hiding all these years was not clear yet.
Not A Usual Fridge
One of the most interesting finds in the cabin was this fridge. We seriously do not know if this even qualifies to be called a fridge but for the lack of a better term, we will just use that. The insides look nothing like the usual fridge. Words fall short in my vocabulary to describe the contents of this fridge. Enough is to safely assume that it was used for more than just freezing food.
Burning Blood?
This has to be one of the creepiest pictures James captured. We are hoping that this would be old burnt coffee but it could also be burnt dried blood. A cup upside down on charred blood… I have come across a few things as sinister as this. Was the blood inside the cup and then spilled? Whose blood was it? Animal? Human? And why would someone keep blood inside a cup?
Wheel Of Death?
This certainly does not qualify as a wheel of fortune. This wheel with no apparent attachment only seemed to raise more. What vehicle or equipment was this wheel a part of? James tried to lift it too, but failed and only managed to get his clothes rusted and dusty. A wheel, fixed in a door. What could this be?