Not The Only One
Upon reaching the back side of the cabin, James, to his amazement found out that it was not the only cabin. It was like entering a horror show and finding out that each house is a haunted place- with no escape. Each cabin was absolutely similar to the other and each seemed to be decaying with no sign of human life. Did James stumble upon something much greater than a ghost place?
Shattered Glasses
If you do not believe in supernatural powers, you would try to find out a logical explanation for these shattered windows- that some kids might have broken these glasses while playing, or it might be the wind or simply decay. But kids were prohibited to go anywhere near this place and wind can take out complete glasses and can years really erode glass like this? Things just got weirder.
Mossy Decorations
The decay of the cabin is exemplified by the moss-covered roofs, moss covered everything actually. If ever there were residents here, they did not bother to keep the place clean. And several layers of moss show that the cabin has been decaying for a long time now. What happened here? And why was this place abandoned?
The Upstairs Room
The cabin also had an attic, whose windows again, were shattered, almost nonexistent. He captured it from the outside, but if all those horror movies are true it might not have been a good idea for him to be going inside to explore it or satiate his curiosity to find out if there was someone or something there.
Utter Darkness
James wanted to avoid entering the cabin as long as he could help it. He wanted to secure his grounds, look out for all the exit points in case he needed to. Even though it is bright outside, it seems like this light is unable to penetrate the darkness inside the cabin. It is pitch black in there but the man does go inside, he probably should not have.
Topsy Turvy
Now that James found that there was more than one horror cabin, his search area and consequently his alertness increased. He had an eerie feeling that someone was watching him. He was conscious of every step he took. When he was about to enter one of the cabins, he found his way blocked by this wheelbarrow. Completely rusted and fixed to the ground, James could not understand its purpose. Not before he entered the cabin.