The snake and the rabbit were sent to KC Pet Project. They did allow Sean to keep the kitten but now the man himself had no place he could call home. How was he going to take care of the kitten? Though the man did not know where was he going to stay, he wanted his gator back.
Moving The Animals
Animal control knew that there is no way they can remove Katfish on their own so they decided to take help from an animal rescue group to displace him safely. James Donovan working with KC Animal Control said, “This thing was massive in size, and it took over four of us to handle this.”
Roll Him
Dana Savorelli with Monkey Island Rescue in Greenwood, Missouri said, “We put a snare pole around his neck and got them up to where I could get his mouth shut safely and he rolled a little bit which was good — let him roll as much as he can, wear him out,” Fortunately, no harm was caused to anyone but Katfish apparently was not happy about leaving his house.
His Beloved Pet
The law of Kansas City does not allow a resident to keep exotic animals like alligators. Nevertheless, Sean is not going to back out. “I don’t know what the procedure will be to get him back, but I’m going to fight to get him back,” Sean resolved before cameras. He did not stop there, the man had a lot to say.
18 Inches Deep
Savorelli further stated, “With the water, he was in about 18 inches deep, but he could get up and get out and cruise through the house. He had a ramp.” The alligator was a big grown one.
Bid Adieu?
Sean was very disappointed and sad when he saw the workers taking his pet away. “He had his own way of saying, ‘Hi,’ to people. They’re not big ferocious animals like people think. They have personalities,” described Sean.