The authorities arrived at the spot in a short while. The authorities started to hurl away all of Sean’s belongings to the pavement.
A Shocking Surprise
There was something terrifying in the middle room. The authorities saw a hot tub placed in the center of the living room. What more, there was an alligator inside that tub. According to animal control, this was the largest alligator they had ever seen.
In The Tub
It took a while for everyone present to accept what they were seeing. The alligator unaware of all the happening was floating peacefully in the tub. The 7 foot long, 200-pound alligator had a name too, Katfish.
Four Years
It had been staying with Sean for four years. However, the gator was only 11 -inches long when Sean had brought it in the house. As if alligator’s presence in the house was not enough, there were some more heart rendring sights waiting for the people.
House Of Reptiles
The house was not home to this alligator only, there were three more unexpected residents. There was a 6.5 feet long ball-python too. This reptile is not aggressive by nature. They prefer staying aloof curled up into a round ball.
Don’t Forget The Others
The house was also harboring a rabbit and a kitten. The authorities sent all the animals to separate wildlife sanctuaries. They believed sanctuaries to be the safest place for these animals. Like others, Katfish was also brought to Monkey Island Rescue and Sanctuary in Greenwood.