The Third Day
After two days of having no luck, it would make most of us quit, right? After all, it was not even his money or wallet so why should he have to wait for so long? He was the one hungry and in need of money, but the homeless man was not a thief. And so after three days went by, the homeless man still guarded the wallet putting aside whatever he needed to do.
Finally Someone
And so after two days finding no one who remotely looked like they were looking for something, the homeless man still stayed. He was waiting for the owner for the third day in a row now. And finally, he spotted a man who was looking at the ground and seemed to be looking around for something. The homeless man thought this must be the person who lost the wallet.
Rude Man
And since he had waited for so long, the homeless man was glad to finally see that the guy who had lost the wallet showed up. The homeless man was smiling to see that it was really him. From the identity card which was inside the wallet, he could identify that this man was indeed the owner of the wallet. His patience had finally paid off.
Not So Pleasant
And even though the homeless man was happy to see the person who had lost his wallet, he was in for a big surprise. The feeling was certainly not mutual when he stepped up to go and meet the person. Although he was happy that he finally came, it turns out, the person who lost the wallet is a very rude person when the homeless man approached him.
Where Is The Wallet?
So when the time finally came for them to meet, it was far from what the homeless man had anticipated. “Quickly you filthy beggar! Tell me who picked up my wallet. If I find it, I will reward you with fifty dollars” said the person who was looking for his wallet. He was certainly not a pleasant man to be acquainted with especially for a first meeting.
A Little Frightened
And so when the homeless man heard these words coming from the man who had come to look for his lost wallet, he was beyond disappointed. He did not think that the guy would be this unappreciative. He thought there would be smiles and hugs exchanged. He was oh so wrong about it. The homeless guy actually grew a little scared!