Found Something!
So when the homeless man was busy looking for a place to sleep, his attention was caught by something weird on the ground. He was not planning on finding anything that day nor was he looking for anything, but the guy saw something interesting enough to go and take a closer look at. He was lucky that day because it turns out, this was a wallet.
Picking It Up
And so when he went close to the weird item on the ground he soon realized that it was a wallet. It was such a lucky day for the guy as he did not even need to beg for money that day. And without hesitating for a second he went to pick it up immediately. There was something that was even more shocking inside the wallet as soon as he opened it.
So Much Money
The homeless man was just trying to find a place where he could get some sound sleep, but along the way, in the midst of the bustling crowd, he found a wallet. After he took them in his hands, he opened to see what the contents were. And to the man’s surprise, he found out that the wallet was in fact packed with money. He could not believe his eyes.
What Next Then?
The homeless man had never seen so much money and was absolutely shocked to find it lying on the ground. It was already a surprise to find a wallet in the street but to know that it was full of cash was something even more shocking for him. He was not sure what he would do with all that money. He was also wondering whether anyone saw him pick the wallet up…
A Hungry Man
If you were a homeless man and you were caught in his position, what do you think you would do? The homeless man was confused as to what he should do with the money he found. He had not even seen this amount of cash money in his entire life so he was quite puzzled. And during this whole time, he could feel his stomach grumbling.
Buy Food?

The homeless man did not know what he wanted to do with all the money he found in the wallet. It was all a little too overwhelming and he was not able to comprehend what was happening to him. So what do you think this guy was about to do with the wallet he just picked up from the street? Do you think he would go and get some food to pacify his hunger?