Reaching To Others
To achieve his final goal in life, whenever Elmer got free from school, he reached out to the people living on streets. He went to them and have a word with them He would tell them how his life changed right from the day he was one amongst them. He knew that sharing someone’s pain decreased it. And he was doing his bid towards it.
Mastering Trade
Elmer was doing great at the real estate school. He was blooming with ideas and shared it all with her life savior his guardian angel. He had ideas about real estate, property matters and even about how can Roberta further help and reach out to the poor and needy. Roberta, on the other hand, was proud to see how well Elmer was doing in school.
Another Boon
Hoskie was extremely happy to see that she was able to make a positive change in Elmer’s life. Since he was doing great at school, she did not want him to go back to the streets and drop his education to pay for his rents. On seeing his progress, Roberta decided to pay the rent for the first six months of the house she gifted to Elmer.
Final Thoughts
Elmer tells everyone that, “Do A Good Thing and Good Will Come To You”. Elmer however, promises to return back the money that Roberta has invested in his education and his home. While he once begins to work he would present his gratitude to the woman who changed his life in ways unimaginable. Surely, Elmer Alvarez would be grateful to Roberta Hoskie for all his life.