Educational Impact
Fortunately, Roberta went into business management and began her internship with the Yale University when she was 20 years. The experience she gained from the internship helped her in evolving as a part of a first-time buyer’s program and soon she reached in a position where she could feed her son. Yet, there was more in store for her.
Real Estate Agent
She was a dedicated and hard-working single mother. She never let her high spirits die. In the years that followed, she grew herself more into the business world. She established herself as an experienced real estate agent. Moreover, today the office she works in is directly opposite the house she very first bought as a real estate dealer. Her life has been completely different since then. These all factors somewhere made Roberta a kind lady today.
Benevolent One
Hoskie herself owes her success to the benevolence of a stranger who gave her a chance at life while others would not give her any. Therefore, she knew what all impact her generosity could have on Elmer’s life. She could shape the future of this guy and gift her an all-new life. But to get one Elmer would have to abide by one condition of hers.
A Special Condition
Roberta Hoskie was ready to give Elmer Alvarez, a home and a training session at her real-estate school only on one condition. She mentions that she would give Elmer everything if he promises to showcase the same kindness and generosity to any other person he comes across who is struggling with life on streets. He needs to present any other man in need a helping hand.
Cycle Of Kindness
Kindness is no less than spreading sunshine into the lives of others irrespective of the weather. Hoskie had this desire to create a never-ending cycle of spreading kindness. She wished that everyone who is not that blessed gets a chance in life to make a better future for himself. Knowing how selflessly Elmer returned her the money, Roberta was sure that the man would lend a helping hand to someone in future.
The Good News
After a few days, everything that Hoskie planned for Elmer was arranged. Roberta broke the good news to Elmer and handed over him the house keys and enrollment form. She was extremely happy to see how much did it mean to him. For anyone in Elmer’s position, it all was really a big deal. And he accepted it with the assurance that he would further shower some kindness on anyone in need.