Securing An Interview
The best thing one can give anyone is a chance. And Roberta gives Elmer a chance to appear at an interview. She knew that only an accommodation would not help him and he needs some income to pay the bills. In addition to getting him a roof, she schedules an interview with one of her business partners. Though she wasn’t sure if he would secure a job but giving him a chance was the least she could do.
Educated Enough
The very obvious question which came in way of Roberta was is the man even educated enough to make it through an interview? And the obvious reason being No. He has spent his life living on streets and getting an access to education was far from imagination. What next Roberta did surely demand a heart of gold for anyone to do.
Enrolling In School
Probably, Roberta was equally generous as Elmer himself. While Elmer merely returned her the money, Roberta was giving shivers to the man every now and then as she was unfolding her line of gifts for him. She enrolled Elmer in her real-estate school for free of charge. She promised to bear all of his educational expenses.
A Fresh Start

Schooling would not only enhance his personality and educational level but would also make him stand at his own feet and would make him capable of doing something good for himself in his life. He could learn some competent skills as a real estate agent and could get a chance at improving his English language skills. But everyone wanted to know why was Roberta doing this much for the man?
Similar Situation
The reason why Roberts was this kind and generous towards Elmer Alvarez was that she herself has been on streets and knew what it was like to be living there and facing life. While she was some 8-years-old her parents divorced and left her and her three siblings with her mother. She had faced the life of a financial crunch being.
Vulnerable Position
When she was 17-years old, she got pregnant and had to drop out of school as a teenager. Her education was left incomplete and she had to live on a monthly welfare. At this age where she would have been completing her schooling, she was instead busy worrying about her unborn child and his future. While things seemed to be quite difficult for her, they changed for a better.