Still Intact
A vast area of the extermination camp was destroyed completely over the time span. Still, some of those horrible day’s memories still lived underneath the surface. Aware of this fact, the researchers didn’t stop their search there.
The Empty Site
In the photo is one of the brick walls that was used in the foundation if the infamous gas chambers. The chambers where hundreds of people were sent who never made out of those rooms alive. The place was telling its story and with it the story of millions of those who died in that place.
The Prisoners’ Well
In the above picture is the image of a well. Every life counts but back in those days, it meant nothing to the Nazis. This well is the evidence of the mass extermination and the people who were thrown in it just for being Jews.
An Unfortunate History
Even today people have theories behind why this took place. Historian gives different reasons why these innocent people were targetted and mistreated and eventually killed. But nobody knows what actually led to this disturbing idea.
Similar Tragedies
Across Europe, the lands those were occupied by the Nazis had similar stories. Some places were used for experiments, some as dark chambers, some for chaining, some for shooting the masses, some for burning, some for the burial.
A Proper Burial
All the bodies that have been found can be buried with respect once the legalities are over. The researchers put the stories to the end and finally told the world the truth of Sobibor. The place in itself is dark. And have seen a lot more than anyone’s expectations.